Happy New Year! Belated for sure. Better late than never(?) I definitely chose the “never” option in 2024.
I started last year postulating that ChatGPT was making me lazy. This was due to me only writing 17 articles in 2023.
So, how did I go in 2024? A paltry 12 articles.
Not sure if I can blame ChatGPT, I just wasn’t feeling it.
Looking over the list of articles, my series on the 7-Habits-of-Highly-Effective-People book, figures largely. I was quite inspired by that book at the start of the year. By the years end however, I was quite uninspired by writing blog posts about it. Check out some of the articles like this one and this one. They’re not too bad.
Its hard to write a favourite article list from such a small pool. So, instead I’ve run a most read list. I found this to be really interesting.
Most fascinating to me is the diversity of articles that were read. In years gone by, Schema Therapy articles were dominating the top views. This is still the case for 2024: Number 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, are all schema related.
But interweaved into the top articles are several from my series on Jaak Panksepp’s neural origins of emotions. (Numbers 4, 7, 8 and 13).
Also in there are some general musings on mental health and philosophy (Numbers 2, 12 and 14).
And the sole article written in 2025 to make the list: The Invasion of the Hums. Must be that many other people are experiencing this weird phenomenon, just like I have.
Here’s the list:
- Schema Coping 1: Overcompensation and Counterattack
- Fight or Flight
- The Punitiveness Schema: Self-Loathing and the Inner Critic
- The SEEKING System: The Brain’s Reward Pathway?
- Schema Coping 3: Surrender
- Schema Coping 2: Avoidance
- The PLAY System: Experimentation, Joy and Preparation for a Social Life
- The RAGE System: The Seat of Anger?
- The Dependence / Incompetence Schema
- Failure Schema
- Passive and Passive-Aggressive: The Subjugation Schema
- The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living, or is it?
- The CARE System: The Source of Security?
- Mindfulness/Mindlessness
- What’s that Noise? Invasion of the Hums