Privacy Policy

Hendriks Psychology (“your treating psychologists”) and Onepoint (the admin service “Provider”) take your privacy seriously.

  1. We work like a virtual clinic office, collecting and managing personal and medical information provided by you and your psychologist, which naturally includes sensitive health information.
  2. We collect, use and (where appropriate) share this information, which includes health information, in order to facilitate appointments with psychologists; manage payment, Medicare and insurance claims; and manage records regarding your appointments.  Our handling of personal information involves storage and processing of some data overseas via offshore data centres.
  3. Hendriks Psychology may collect and collate deidentified questionnaire results and demographic data for assessing progress, research and quality assurance purposes. Please be aware that:
    • Participation is voluntary.
    • If you do not want your deidentified data to be used for any/all of the above mentioned purposes, you may inform your psychologist who will withdraw your data without penalty to you or your treatment.
    • Data collected is not to be sold to 3rd parties, or to be used for profit
    • Anonymity of clients is preserved and clients will not be identified in publications
  1. Confidentiality – all information gathered by your psychologist during the provision of services will remain confidential unless:
  1. It is subject to subpoena by an Australian Court of Law
  2. Failure to disclose some of the information would put you or someone else at risk
  3. Your prior written approval has been obtained to:
      1. Provide a written report to another professional person or agency (e.g. a GP or Lawyer)
      2. Discuss this material with a non-professional person (e.g. a family member or employer) and when it would be breached.
      3. In addition, your psychologist may discuss certain aspects of your assessment or treatment with a senior colleague for the purpose of supervision and training. In this situation your anonymity would be preserved.
  1. Neither your treating Psychologist, or admin and billing service provider, will not provide information, reports or documentation for medico-legal or family court related purposes unless we required to by law, under a subpoena or by a court order.
  2. Access to your information – You may access the material recorded in your file upon request, subject to the exceptions in the National Privacy Principle 6. You must provide a written request to access your information and your request will be provided to within 21 days and an hourly fee is payable.
  3. To fulfil your information request we require 14 days in writing, in the form of a signed letter from you (that you can scan and email to us)  stating the purpose of the information request and who the information will be provided to in order to ensure we meet our legal requirements under the Australian Privacy Principles.  Will also require you to pay a fee at your psychologist’s hourly rate (plus GST) to fulfil an information request, in order to compensate the psychologist for their time in collating and providing the information you have requested. The fee for actioning the information request will depend on the time taken to access, collate and send the information.

Suite C5
102-106 Boyce Rd
Maroubra Junction, NSW 2035
(02) 8958 2585

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