Happy First Anniversary!

Today the Justin Hendriks Psychology blog turns a big one! This blog has been a labour of love for me, I really enjoy sharing thoughts, ideas, research etc. I have been trying very hard to maintain weekly positing, and hopefully I can maintain this throughout Year 2!

To celebrate this milestone, here are the top 5 blog posts from the last year. I haven’t included my introductory/welcome post, which was the most viewed post. Not sure why its most viewed, it feels like one of the more boring ones. You can view it here. Unsurprisingly all the top 5 were posted last year (they had a head start!). It will be interesting to see in a years’ time whether the top 5 look the same; this, this and this article all narrowly missed the top 5 and were all from this year. Anyway, here’s the list:

1.Emotional Deprivation Schema – The Emotional Stranger 9 November 2018

This one was first by a mile. The article talks about Toby an emotionally detached veteran. Using the metaphor of “the emotional stranger” – a ghost-like shadow-side that is suppressed but never really leaves, I explain the Emotional Deprivation Schema. Many of my clients, especially male clients, identify with this schema. Clearly it is resonating with readers of this blog!

2.Unrelenting Standards Schema 5 September 2018

For the overachievers and workaholics out there. This article explains how having your self-worth tied to achievement leads to compulsive busyness, status-anxiety and a gnawing dissatisfaction with life. Using the example of Raj, a young doctor achieving great things but feeling empty.

3.Self-Sacrifice Schema 31 October 2018

Rounding out the top three articles is another specific schema article. This one introduces Penny, a harried working mum, doing it all and taking pride in it. But who cares for the carer?

4.The First Thing you should do when Depressed 27 July 2018and

What is Schema Therapy Part I 13 July 2018

A tie for 4th place. The first thing you should do when depressed uses a stalled car as a metaphor for depression. Just like a stalled car, depressed people should start moving again in first gear, not fifth. This post’s success was no doubt helped by the fact I forward it to many new clients when they come to see me. I don’t know what I’m going to do once manual cars become a thing of the past 😊 What is Schema Therapy is the oldest post on this list. Highlighting again the real interest out there for schema articles.

5.The Experience Machine – Choosing to digitally opt out 3 August 2018

This one was amongst some early articles I wrote about digital device overuse. Luke Vu and I wrote an article for the local rag and presented a seminar on the topic. Last year was a big year for the recognition of the digital overuse problem; Gaming Addiction was recognised by the United Nations. We continue to get a steady stream of clients who are engaging in unhealthy digital habits.

So, that’s the list. Check them out and see what you think. If you’d like to leave your own thoughts/comments, you can do that at the bottom of the page. In the year to come I’ll be posting more Schema articles and Thinking Trap articles. Feel free to write to me if you’ve got any specific ideas for a post. Thanks for your support!

For Schema articles See here:
What is Schema Therapy – Part I
What is Schema Therapy – Part II
What is Schema Therapy – Part III
The Unrelenting Standards Schema
The Emotional Deprivation Schema
The Self-Sacrifice Schema
The Abandonment Schema
The Defectiveness Schema
The Social Isolation/Alienation Schema
The Entitlement Schema
The Subjugation Schema
The Failure Schema

The Mistrust Schema

And for Thinking Traps see here:

Jumping to Conclusions
Black and White Thinking

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