People are creatures of habit. We have habitual patterns of acting, or thinking, or feeling. Some patterns work for us and some don’t. All good psychological treatments (evidence-based treatments) involve understanding unhelpful patterns and changing unhelpful patterns. Some treatments focus more on helping people to understand their patterns, and some treatments focus more on choosing and implementing strategies to change these patterns.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) involves identifying and changing negative patterns of thoughts and behaviour. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) involves committing to a lifestyle that is in line with one’s values and learning to accept and live with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Schema Therapy involves identifying life-long unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving (called schemas) and changing these patterns, often by revisiting early harmful or traumatic events. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) involves replacing harmful, self-defeating behaviour with skilful behaviour and living in a more mindful manner. Our clinicians are trained in these methods.