
7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Put First Things First

This is the fifth on my series of articles which draw upon the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. You can read my previous articles about Habit 1 and Habit 2. Habit Number 3: Put First Things First “The successful person has the habit of doing the things that failures don’t like to do”. EM Gray from The...[ read more ]

Happy First Anniversary!

Today the Justin Hendriks Psychology blog turns a big one! This blog has been a labour of love for me, I really enjoy sharing thoughts, ideas, research etc. I have been trying very hard to maintain weekly positing, and hopefully I can maintain this throughout Year 2! To celebrate this milestone, here are the top 5 blog posts from the...[ read more ]

Callous hurts more than Malice

Children love attention. They feel both safe and energised when they are seen, heard and held by parents and other trusted adults. Not all attention is equal. Kids prefer attention which makes them feel special, wanted, contained and protected. This is positive attention. Giving the right kind of positive attention helps the child navigate through their current problem. If they...[ read more ]

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